InnoCSR, a South Korean material technology company, has announced a new partnership with JB Eco Bricks Nepal led by Krishna Man Bhuju.
This follows InnoCSR's recent announcements on partnerships with Shiva Shakti Home Decorative and Eco Friend Bricks.
Bhuju and his team at JB Eco Bricks currently produce around 50 million bricks per year at five different brick kilns located in Bhaktapur, Makawanpur, and Dhading, using traditional methods of firing bricks using coal.
The country's brick industry has faced difficulties due to the increasing price of coal and shortage of labour. The Good Brick System offers a new solution, addressing these issues and helping to meet the country's demand for bricks using their eco-friendly Good Soil Stabiliser.
Good Soil Stabiliser, developed by InnoCSR, is a specialty chemical that enables binding between soil and cement to reach the required quality for bricks which meets strict international standards.
Good Bricks System, brick producing process using Good Soil Stabiliser, uses hydraulic machines to press and produce bricks at an indoor factory, which delivers consistent quality of bricks throughout the year with no fire burning and only onetenth the labour and land usage.
As per Sam Yoonsuk Lee, the CEO of InnoCSR, Good Bricks System is becoming more popular among brick producers in Nepal.
Currently, there are about 25 brick producers waiting to get their soil and machine tested with Good Soil Stabiliser. Good Bricks System is not only addressing difficulties in brick industry but also bringing various other benefits. It delivers more revenue to brick producers, quality products to end consumers, and cleaner air to whole country.
